Category: Essays

Nutrition initiatives, educators aim to make food deserts history

Eating the proper foods, drinking plenty of water, and taking the correct vitamins are incredibly important to survival. These take on greater importance when children are involved. Having access to healthy foods is a very important component to developing minds and bodies. Grocery stores that sell vegetables and fruits are necessary to aid kids and teenagers as they grow up … Continue readingNutrition initiatives, educators aim to make food deserts history

The Minimising of Sexual Assault of Black Boys

Growing up, I would hear stories from my male friends about how their baby sitters would kiss them or touch them in inappropriate ways. My friends would talk about making out with a “play aunt” or having sex with a family friend. It was not looked upon as a bad thing; in fact, it was something they bragged about. This was a rite of passage to many of us. … Continue readingThe Minimising of Sexual Assault of Black Boys

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